At Rockmount Primary School we will inspire our whole school community to enjoy their learning adventure and have fun along the way. We will ignite a passion for learning throughout the school community, securing excellence, empathy and equality in all that we do.
We will strive to achieve the highest standards of academic achievement and behaviour within an inclusive, vibrant and exciting learning environment to ensure that all children leave school with the confidence and ability to take full advantage of future opportunities.
School Values
Our school ethos is underpinned by our Rockmount School Values. Each of these values has been identified as key to the children developing emotional intelligence and being successful learners.
Promoting British Values
Our school values deliberately embrace those fundamental values which run through every element of school life and life outside of school.
British values are promoted in much of what we do, during school assemblies, circle times, Religious Education and PSHE sessions. They are integral to both our vision and values and can be seen across the school; helping to support our children for life in Modern Britain. We recognise that these values are not unique to Britain. We acknowledge that they differ in no way from the values of the many countries and the cultural backgrounds represented by families at Rockmount. We understand and celebrate the diversity within our society and school community and ensure that British Values are embedded within our curriculum when Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) learning takes place across all curriculum areas.
Fundamental British values are defined as:
- Democracy
- Individual liberty
- The rule of law
- Mutual respect and tolerance
We promote British Values in the following ways (please note that this list is not exhaustive):
- Pupil Leadership – making decisions and on a regular basis re: policies, clubs, child-friendly safeguarding information, behaviour systems, fundraising events etc.
- Pupil surveys include questions such as ‘How could we make the school better?’ Ask the children if we need to add different questions to really move our school forwards.
- Bi-annual parent questionnaires.
- Parent forum to gauge parental opinion.
- Governor involvement in decision making process.
- Democracy is taught through the curriculum. Pupil voice has an influence upon much that goes on or is decided, within our school.
- Pupils are given the opportunity to give their viewpoint throughout the curriculum daily; they are invited to listen to alternative viewpoints and accept/respect that there may be differences.
- Agreement of Class Rules annually.
- Voting by the children for Pupil Leadership/Ambassador positions.
The Rule Of Law
- Strong behaviour system in place, which has been developed with the pupils.
- Class rules are established with pupils and referred to daily.
- Strong relationship/regular contact with local PCSO and other lead community members.
- Working with Croydon Council to discuss and be proactive about local community issues
- Home/School Agreement
Individual Liberty
- Strong behaviour policy based on rights and responsibilities.
- Anti-bullying policy.
- Peer mediators to provide daily support in the playground.
- Open and honest culture.
- Open door policy for parents/ carers to discuss worries or concerns.
- Strong pastoral team to support friendship issues / any issues that individuals may need support with.
Mutual Respect
- Peer marking – offer suggestions to each other, in a sensitive and constructive way to support moving their work forward.
- Cross Class communication of achievements (classes of different ages are involved and part of other classes learning)
Tolerance Of Those Of Different Faiths And Beliefs
- Celebration & integration into the curriculum about other faiths/beliefs.
- Visits arranged to different places of worship.
- Specific events held in school to celebrate other cultures.
- Encouraged to share faiths and beliefs within school such as fasting, leave for religious observance is granted etc