If you have ever attended or helped out at a school fair, baked or bought cakes at one of our cake sales, sourced raffle prizes, bought raffle tickets, donated clothes and food during textile and foodbank weeks, then you are RFC.
Every parent or carer with a child at Rockmount is automatically a member.
RFC exists to advance the education and wellbeing of pupils at Rockmount School and the local community. We do this by encouraging and fostering parent/carer participation in the life of the School.
We develop, and engage in activities and the provision of facilities or equipment, which support the school and pupils.
Prior to each academic year, RFC set a number of project goals which focus the fundraising activities for the forthcoming year. These projects are carefully considered between the RFC and school management in order to ensure we meet our objectives. Past primary projects have included new school gates (Rockmount Road entrance), development of the edible garden and learning pods in the playground.
We want to give parents and carers a clear focus for fundraising events with a tangible result for all to be proud of at the end of the year.
In addition to a primary project, we also support other smaller projects such as materials for arts week and goodbye gifts for the Year 6 kids. We are continually open to other ideas throughout the year and welcome your input. All projects are assessed by the RFC chair and key members to ensure compliance with our objective, and feasibility of delivery.
RFC meetings are advertised by text/email or on the parent/carer Whatsapp groups and generally take place on a Friday in the After School Club room at 9.00 am. The meetings usually get more frequent as we get closer to an event such as a school fair. We are currently exploring other times and locations for additional meetings to help RFC engage with as many parents and carers as possible.
Everyone’s input is very welcome! Being an RFC committee member is a great way to get to know more about the school and the people who make it such a great place for our children to be. If you have a specific question or want to share your ideas, the best way to communicate is to either join us at one of our meetings or email us at rockmountrfc@gmail.com.
The RFC Facebook page is an open forum used to communicate to the school community as well as supporting the work of the RFC. We are also in the process of setting up an RFC Instagram page!
RFC will post forthcoming activities on these sites/pages. We often send out texts and emails from the school informing parents and carers of events and meetings and as a way of calling out for volunteers.