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Pupil Leadership

At Rockmount Primary School we highly value pupil voice and actively seek it in many different ways. Through being part of one of our eight pupil leadership groups, pupils have the opportunity to advocate for themselves and their peers and contribute to whole school development. Have a look below at the groups we currently have:

Eco-Warriors and Eco-Champions:

Here at Rockmount, the staff, governors, pupils and parents/carers all believe in the importance of becoming an Eco-School. Being an Eco-School empowers pupils, raises awareness of environmental issues and helps improve the immediate school environment. It also supports wider local community engagement with the school.

The programme encourages pupils of all ages and abilities to work together to develop their knowledge and environmental awareness. Independent research into the Eco-Schools programme in England found evidence of the positive impact on pupils, including increased confidence, development of leadership skills, improved pupil well-being and behaviour and greater motivation at school.
We are currently working towards gaining the 'Green Flag' award.

Find out more about the 'Green Flag' accreditation here.

The school's Eco-Warriors/Eco-Champions consist of children from Years 5 and Year 6. Their jobs include - looking after the school animals, promoting a sustainable environment, recycling, being energy aware and promoting active travel to and from school.

This year the Eco-Champions are:
  • Kristina
  • Ayat
  • Max
  • Arthur
  • Alex
This year the Eco-Warriors are:
  • Lea
  • Edie
  • Alana
  • Sadie
  • Serenity
  • Lyra
  • Maya
  • Heidi
  • Ida
  • Robyn
  • Alba
  • Betty
  • Chance
  • Tara
  • Arely
  • Michelle
  • Mia
  • Aneeqa
  • Lux
  • Zenobia
  • Mckenna
  • Zack
  • Nazir
  • Luke
  • Otis

Peer Mediators

What does the job involve?

The aim of peer mediation is for “peers” to resolve conflict within the school playground using mediation. Children in the playground, at times, feel they would rather ask a Peer Mediator to help them resolve any issues. The mediation process involves two peer mediators sitting in a quiet area with the children involved and finding a resolution.  If the mediators feel they are not equipped to deal with the conflict then it is referred to a member of staff. However, our mediators often find that they can resolve the situations themselves.  Please note that physical altercations are always dealt with by a member of staff.

Mediators are required to keep a record of any conflict resolution that occurs in the playground. There is a book where entries should be logged at the end of every lunchtime.

What support is given to a Peer Mediator

Due to the nature of this job and the fact that it can sometimes be demanding, support is always on hand. Meetings with Annette Schembri, one of the school's learning mentors, are held to discuss which strategies are successful when resolving conflicts and any areas in which they require support.

This year the Peer Mediators are:

Year 6                                                                                      Year 5 

Turquoise:                                                                              Pearl:

Pascal Turnbull                                                                      Milo Vernon-Smith

Ava Stavenhagen                                                                  Malachi Antwi

Alecia White                                                                           Nazir Miah-Lowe

Delia Thomas                                                                         Luke Meehan-Perucha

Sonny Swajkowski                                                                 Eva Smith

Isaac Wright                                                                            Zynah Layne

Savannah Mwangi-Nweke                                                    Stanley Alderman

Shaiden Simpson                                                                   Maya Gaffney

Ruqayyah Nawaz                                                                   Coral:

Daisharn Herman                                                                  Eli Sarkar-Witzenfeld

                                                                                                  Malick Diop

Ruby:                                                                                        Wareesha Ahmad

Olivia Leonard-Adutwum                                                     Mezan Ismael

Zofia Hervais-Adelman Sek                                                  Olivia Ali

Reading Ambassadors

This year the Reading Ambassadors are:

Year 3 Quartz Class - Viivi Whitehead

Year 3 Crystal Class - Robin Hoey and Jemima Sarkarwitzenfeld

Year 4 Moonstone Class - Clarissa Sousa Rodrigues

Year 4 Sapphire Class - Audrey Neil and Frank Wilson

Year 5 Pearl Class - Maya Gaffney

Year 5 Coral Class - Amiyah Flynn

Year 6 Ruby Class - Lonae Edwards

Year 6 Turquoise Class - Anouk Mirza and Pascal Turnbull

School Council

At Rockmount Primary School we are proud to have pupil representatives that take part in School Council meetings.  The school council is in place so that pupils have a voice and are involved in decisions about the school that affect them.  Through these meetings, all pupils have the opportunity to raise issues, share ideas and take part in discussions that involve all of their classmates in reaching a democratic solution.  Pupils at Rockmount Primary School know that this is their school and their thoughts and ideas matter. 

Our School Council aims to encourage our children to:

  • Develop confidence and responsibility and make the most of their abilities
  • Prepare them to play an active role as citizens
  • Develop healthy, safer lifestyles
  • Develop good relationships and respect the differences between people
  • To have a “voice” and to share their opinions and ideas with others
This year the School Councillors are:

Year 1 Zircon - Lily and Oliver

Year 1 Onyx - Adam and Martha

Year 2 Topaz - Emmanuel and Skyler

Year 2 Opal - Rosalind and Arthur

Year 3 Crystal - Jack and Olivia

Year 3 Quartz - Emma and Otis

Year 4 Moonstone - Ada and Nylah

Year 4 Sapphire - Gigi and Alana

Year 5 Pearl - Sadie and Milo

Year 5 Coral - Chance and Eli

Year 6 Ruby - Kristina and Ayat

Year 6 Turquoise - Barnabas and Lelani

Sports Leaders

Our Sports Leaders have responsibility for playground and sporting events. Their playground duties include helping lunchtime supervisors to set out and clear away the playground equipment; helping children have fun and engage with sports and games and supporting those children who may be finding playtimes a bit challenging. The group always consists of Year 5 pupils in line with the official training requirements. 

Every Autumn the new Sports Leaders complete their Sports Leader training with CSSP (Croydon Sports Partnership). This 6-week course helps the children to understand their role and the duties involved at a deeper level. When the leaders complete their course, they will arrange a graduation event for KS1. 

This year the Sports Leaders are:
Year 5-Coral Class                                                                  
  • Wareesha Ahmad
  • Olivia Al
  • Hardy Bah
  • Alexander Chana
  • Abdulmalick Diop 
  • Davis Doka 
  • Leo Gasparini
  • Arely Moncada Moscol
  • Mia Mugisa
  • Betty Obuobi Obuobi
  • Lux Patel
  • Michelle Sawyer-Gbenle
Year 5-Pearl Class
  • Louis Mason
  • Luke-Meehan Perucha
  • Buster Telford
  • Milo Vernon-Smith
  • Lyra Whitehead
  • Zack Williamson       

STEM Ambassadors

The STEM Ambassadors complete training, facilitated by the Childnet Digital Leaders Programme, on an interactive, informative and fun platform. They work through online modules, equipping them with the skills they need to go on to educate and support their peers. The programme aims to empower young people to educate their peers about online safety.

This year the STEM Ambassadors are:
Year 4
  • Lucas
  • Tilly
  • Danvir
  • Aleksandra
Year 5
  • Lea
  • Lyra
  • Julius
  • Rosa             
Year 6 
  • Lonae 
  • Max
  • Jamie
  • Leo












Wellbeing Ambassadors

At Rockmount, we recognise the importance of positive mental health and wellbeing for all our pupils to lead a happy, healthy and productive life. Pupils need to have a voice, be able to contribute ideas and influence how to improve the wellbeing of their peers and the wider school community. We are proud to have a group of children appointed by their peers as Wellbeing Ambassadors to help drive through positive change and support the whole school community. 

The Ambassadors have the responsibility of leading and promoting wellbeing throughout the school. They drive the message forward and release the stigma around talking about challenging feelings and encourage people to talk.  Wellbeing Ambassadors provide feedback on what’s working well and highlight any gaps in our whole-school approaches to wellbeing. The role of our Wellbeing Ambassadors also include:

  • Promoting positive mental health & raising awareness of mental health problems 
  • Helping to support other pupils with health and wellbeing issues they maybe experiencing
  • Removing the stigma of mental health by getting people talking about mental health and sharing their experiences
  • Supporting and organising specific events & celebrating mental health awareness days
  • Leading a range of activities within the school that promote health & wellbeing e.g. assemblies, circle times etc 
  • Signposting pupils to access support in our school
  • Having regular contact with a designated member of staff responsible for overseeing their wellbeing
  • Sharing good news stories
  • Promoting Zones of Regulation around the school
This year the Wellbeing Ambassadors are:

Year 2: Elijah and Ruby

Year 3: Amaya and Zen

Year 4: Mia and Amber 

Year 5: Alana and Hardy

Year 6: Delia and Olivia

The Year 6 Leadership Team

Here at Rockmount Primary School, we value the importance of pupil leadership and know that the skills the children learn in these leadership roles will support them as future leaders of the world. The Year 6 Leadership Team focus on fundraising events for our local community as well as national charities and events. 

This year the Year 6 Leadership Team are:
  • Shante Coombs-McFarlane
  • Pascal Turnbull
  • Ruqayyah Nawaz
  • Michael Poulmah
  • Maggie Hayes
  • Olivia Leonard-Adutwum
  • Lonae Edwards
  • Adanna Jornet-Umunnakwe
  • Zofia Hervais-Adelman Sek