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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

The ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity Charity (TADHDFNC) describes ADHD as, 'a neurodevelopmental condition that makes it difficult for children to concentrate, to sustain attention, to sit still, to follow directions and to control impulsive behaviour. These symptoms make it difficult for children and young people to follow through on tasks in age appropriate ways' (TADHDFNC, 2021).

How do we support pupils with ADHD at Rockmount?

At Rockmount, we work closely with our families and specialist professionals, such as Educational Psychologists, to adapt our environment and adjust our teaching styles to ensure success for our pupils with ADHD. Below are some of the strategies and resources we may use with our pupils at school. 

  • Establishing a daily classroom routine – with regular times for stories, teaching sessions, etc
  • Displaying the day's lessons on the wall or board in a visual manner
  • Having high and positive expectations
  • Monitoring progress regularly throughout the lesson
  • Being consistent, firm, fair and patient and giving constant feedback and positive reinforcement 
  • Using deliberate eye contact when speaking to children
  • Allowing ‘time out’ if required to move/de-stress/relax
  • Using 'first and then' boards
  • Facilitating a quiet space in school that is accessible (wellbeing area/chill out zone)
  • Providing de-stress, tactile or fiddle toys: tangle toys, stress shape etc 
  • Sitting the child near the teacher and away from any distractions
  • Using larger type on printed resources

Below are documents and links to resources and information around supporting children with ADHD and their families.

Links to useful websites