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The School Day

A day in the life...

To ensure that the transition into Reception goes as smoothly as possible, we encourage parents and carers to say a confident and happy goodbye to the children at the classroom door during their staggered start. Staff will be on hand to support the children to come into school and to hang up their belongings. The children can then begin a free-flow activity until everyone has arrived.

When all the children have arrived, the class will join together as a group for a story.

Once all children are in full-time, they will join in with a fun physical daily exercise program. These are usually five-minute guided exercise routines which leave the children alert, motivated and ready to learn.

After the fitness fun, the children will join their phonics sessions where we teach them to read using the Read, Write, Inc. phonics scheme.

The children then return to their classrooms for a short teaching session, followed by free flow. By this we mean activities inside and outside which relate to all areas of the EYFS curriculum, based around our half termly topics.

The session will then be reviewed, followed by a story before lunch.

After lunch, the routine is repeated, but with a lively whole class maths session to begin the afternoon's learning. We follow a maths programme called Big Maths.

After the afternoon free flow session, we review the learning that has taken place and read a final story to end our school day.

Staff are always available at the beginning and end of the day to answer any urgent queries. Please use the year group email address too: