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Parent Pay

Rockmount Primary School is a cashless school. This means we no longer accept cash and cheque payments; instead through Parent Pay we operate a secure and convenient e-payment service to pay for catering, school trips, after-school clubs and much more.

Parent Pay offers parents the freedom to make payments whenever and wherever they like, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – safe in the knowledge that the technology used is the most secure available.

Parents have a secure online account, which is activated using a unique set of activation codes. These log-ins allow parents to create their own secure username and password and are issued by the school when your child joins. If you have more than one child at school, you can merge their accounts once logged in.

Please visit the school office or call on 0208 653 2619 to request a bar-coded letter for the relevant payment item. Please request a separate bar-coded letter for each payment item. 

If you experience any problems using Parent Pay, please contact the school office.