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School Day

What does a day at Rockmount Primary look like?


The morning session runs from 8.30 am until 11.30 am and the afternoon session from 12.15pm until 3.15pm. We offer full time and part time places in the nursery setting. Lunchtime for those children staying for a full day is from 11.30am until 12.15pm. At the beginning of each session children are greeted by staff before self-registration. This is followed by a focus on physical development after which children are free to engage in play-based learning activities in both the indoor and outdoor environments. Adults support children to get the most out of self-chosen activities which have been carefully planned around children’s developmental needs and interests. Each day there are short structured sessions to focus on phonics, reading and counting skills.

Reception/Key Stage 1

Drop-off and Collection

At 08.35am, the gates open and children make their way to their class for 8.45am. Staff are available in the playground to support children as they make their way to classes and to deal with any urgent queries or quick messages from parents and carers.

At the end of the day Parents and Carers collect their children from their classes/designated area at 3.10pm. Please inform the school office if there are any changes when collecting your child. 

(32 hours 5 minutes)

Key Stage 2

Drop-off and Collection

At 08.35am, the gates open and children make their way to their class for 8.45am. Staff are available in the playground to support children as they make their way to classes and to deal with any urgent queries or quick messages from parents and carers.

At the end of the day Parents and Carers collect their children from their designated areas at 3.20pm. Please inform the school office if there are any changes when collecting your child. 

(32 hours 55 minutes)

Late collection

It is essential that the school knows if there is any change in collection arrangements for your child.  Please ring the school office by 2.30 pm, if someone other than the person known to staff is to collect your child at the end of the day. The school office phone lines are manned between 8.30 am and 4.00 pm during term time.

At the end of the day, any children who have not been collected by 3.30 pm will be taken to the School Office area. 

A late collection charge will then be levied at £5 per 15 minutes.

If you need special access arrangements to the school please email


Year 2/3 - 1.40pm - 2.00pm

Year 4/5/6 - 10.35am - 10.55am


Children in Reception start lunch from 11.20am

Years 1/2/3 from - 11.25am

Years 4/5/6 from - 12.30pm


We have a thematic approach to circle times and assemblies to ensure that we cover a range of values, safeguarding, relevant national and international topics as well as wellbeing initiatives. 'Achievement Assemblies' take place weekly to celebrate the children’s successes.

School Streets

Please note, Chevening Road is a Healthy Schools Street with restrictions in place. The restrictions mean that vehicles cannot enter the street at certain times. Please see signage for further details in order to avoid incurring a penalty charge. Restrictions are only enforced during school term time.

School Closures

The link below will take you to a page on the London Grid for Learning website, that gives details about school closures.